Getting a little stir crazy from spending too much time indoors? Avoiding activity due to painful joints? Did you over-do it with summer activity? Perhaps it is time to get back into your routine after…

Getting a little stir crazy from spending too much time indoors? Avoiding activity due to painful joints? Did you over-do it with summer activity? Perhaps it is time to get back into your routine after…
Springtime is traditionally associated with renewal and growth. How about visiting us for acupuncture to help you rejuvenate and harmonize with the changing environment? In the principles of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), spring is associated…
Happy New Year – let’s make it a good one filled with health, joy, and new frontiers. My fees will remain the same $135 for new patient appointments, $100 for follow up. Are you challenging…
Whether you have been seeing me regularly or if years have passed since you last rested with needles, I hope you are taking good care of yourself. In the interest of taking care of my…
Dear prospective patient, Curious about acupuncture? Please take some time to read about me, my practice, and acupuncture here and here and by exploring this website. Still interested? Please call me at 702-204-1342, or book online here.…
I get this question from time to time. Sometimes where I put the needles is pretty obvious. Sore back? Sure, I might put you face down and needle exactly in the area of complaint. But…
This is the most common question I have from new patients and the answer is: it depends. Generally the longer a patient has had the problem, the longer the course of treatment will be. That’s for…
Licenses granted to acupuncturists vary state to state in both name and qualifications required to practice. As a consumer, it is best to check with your state to find out if your acupuncture practitioner is…
What are your health goals for 2018? Are you putting a new routine in place for nutrition, fitness, and overall well being? Acupuncture is a whole mind-body medicine and has a place in any of…
You’ve probably read that every seven years our bodies completely regenerate, cell by cell. This is a myth – some neurons last a lifetime, but it is safe to say you are not who you were…