Pain management is the most prescribed reason for acupuncture, particularly for musculo-skeletal injuries. But acupuncture is just one of the services a licensed trained acupuncturist or Oriental Medicine Doctor has to offer. Most articles you…

Pain management is the most prescribed reason for acupuncture, particularly for musculo-skeletal injuries. But acupuncture is just one of the services a licensed trained acupuncturist or Oriental Medicine Doctor has to offer. Most articles you…
Recently I’ve had a few inquiries on how Oriental Medicine can help with hot flashes. Generally, I say that an herbal formula would be the most important part of their treatment. While surfing colleagues’ blogs,…
Seeing positive and effective acupuncture treatment on film is a joy to me as an Oriental Medicine Doctor. This year at the Dam Short Film Festival, the story of Fred Noble in The Noble Spirit…
The practice of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (AOM) has a history reaching back to nearly 4000 years in written form, yet remains a young modality with barely 40 years as a licensed profession in the…
Acupuncture is a versatile medicine with many benefits to cancer patients, a recent article in the Epoch Times asserts. By influencing several biological functions “including activating neural, endocrine and immunological regulation,” acupuncture helps alleviate pain, reduces…
As temps drop this season and cold and flu begins to spread, consider a visit to your acupuncturist at the first signs of a challenged immune system. Chinese medicine helps the body to use its own…
I had a wonderful weekend and start of this week at Dr Robert Chu’s Master Tung points workshop. So excited to have new points and strategies to stop pain for neuromuscular issues as well as…
When the prestigious Cleveland Clinic is on board for Oriental Medicine, the health conscious public and their doctors need to pay attention – particularly when they take it upon themselves to debunk myths about acupuncture.…
People often ask me if acupuncture will help them to lose weight. While acupuncture itself will not cause unwanted pounds to drop from your body, regular acupuncture treatments help bring the body into balance and…
Feeling anxious? Who isn’t these days? Just watching the news can induce anxiety. Many of us have sleep issues, lie awake with our hearts pounding, and/or overreact to ordinary and predictable stressors in our daily…