Acupuncture Side Effects

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This article from the Huffington Post makes the case that there are 7 Acupuncture Side Effects – most of which are fairly benign. I would argue that many of these side effects are really a benefit. Feeling worse before better, for example – a healing crisis – can be the first push over the hump to feeling better. Emotional release? Fatigue? Many of these side effects indicate responsiveness to the treatment. That’s good! Is it really better to walk around in a state of stagnation? Of course once pent up energy is released, there may be some tears, other strong emotions, or fatigue due to the release. I always recommend that patients be very kind to themselves after a treatment in order to receive its full benefit. As for lightheadedness, a trained acupuncturist will ask patients if they’ve eaten before treatment and also watch carefully during needling to avoid mishaps such as fainting. In any case, I’d rather have these side effects than the ones we hear in those super-fast voice overs in TV pharmaceutical ads!